Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos is a Greek-American journalist and television actress. She hosted Extra as well as E! She has been a television reporter on Today Access Hollywood. In 2006, she hosted The Eurovision Song Contest in Athens Greece. The 44-year-old provided an update on her health during the broadcast and stated that she's in good health after her private battle with pancreatic cancer stage 2 earlier this year. Menounos: "I feel good and am thankful to be capable of spending time with my baby." Litsa Menounos, Maria's mother, was 61 when she received a diagnosis of GBM, a tough to cure, deadly, and aggressive form of cancer of the brain. Menounos was a dedicated caregiver for her mother as she underwent radiation therapy and chemo. Mariah Carey has been an American actress, singer as well as producer and owner of a record label since the late 1980s. Guinness World Records has dubbed her "The Songbird Supreme". Her fame is based on her songwriting and her five-octave range of singing as well as the use of a whistle.

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